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Other Body Areas

Laser Hair Removal for
Other Body Areas

Solutions for all your hairy situations … We go wherever the hair grows.


Embarrassment-Free Hair Removal Zone

Think you have hair in a new and shocking place? Honestly, we would love it if you did! Well, we wouldn’t love it for you, but for us? Finding hair in a new place would be a pretty great day at the office. As experienced laser hair removal professionals, we have seen hair on just about every area of the body. Pretty much wherever there is skin, there is the opportunity for hair to flourish.

The one thing all this hair has in common? None of it is shocking or something to be embarrassed by. No matter your age, gender, ethnicity, or how many times you have wondered “should I shave it again or just give up and braid it?” your hair is 100% normal and natural.

However, just because it’s normal doesn’t mean you have to be stuck with it. That’s where we come in.  GoLaser is here to help your natural self shine through and look your best. Whether you want your hair all gone or finely lasered into a furry little peace sign, we’re here to make it happen!

Laser hair removal works by precisely targeting the root of each hair follicle to safely and effectively remove it without damaging the surrounding skin. With this complete removal, you eliminate the risk of ingrown hairs, bumpy rashes, and itchy stubble.

Each person is a little different. While some people can experience years of hair freedom and feel they don’t need a touch up, other clients may require touch ups 1-4 times a year. At GoLaser, we have been very thoughtful about creating a package that tries to benefit our clients as much as possible by getting everyone started with a period of unlimited sessions and including a series of touch ups at no added cost in an effort to help you maintain your results. Learn more about our GoLaser Guarantee by booking your free consultation today!

Close up of a woman's stomach and chest area as she rests on the sand at the beach
Woman sitting on a mat on the sand at the beach right next to the water with her arms in the air and looking upwards

Are You a Good Candidate for Hair Removal?

While just about every hair and skin type can benefit from laser hair removal, there are some conditions that might make laser treatment more difficult. For instance, people with blonde, white, grey or very light red/orange hair are not good candidates for laser hair removal nor will it work on hairs that are extremely fine like peach fuzz. Peach fuzz is a type of hair called vellus hair which does not respond well to laser hair removal.

Additionally, people whose hair growth is due to a hormonal imbalance may require more sessions. It does not mean. you won’t see positive results or a difference, it just means you will likely need to do more maintenance sessions to hold on to those smooth results.


Rule of thumb: If you have hair there, other people do too!

What Other Body Areas Commonly Need Laser Hair Removal?


Along with the more popular areas like legs, chin, pubic area, and underarms, many people also want their chest, stomach, neck, and even their areolas (nipples) lasered. From a few stray wiry hairs to a more noticeable covering, hair around the nipples is quite common no matter your gender. Trying to pluck, wax, or shave in this delicate area can be painful and cause irritation. Laser hair removal is the gentlest and most effective way to remove this hair for long-lasting results.

Upper Body

Hair on the chest, stomach, and arms is very common. Whether you have a full pelt of hair or just a few stray patches, laser hair removal can ensure you have the look you want. Never worry again about a low neckline or short sleeves revealing unwanted hair.


Back hair can happen to anyone and is especially annoying because it is so hard to take care of on your own. With that said, not everyone is a good candidate for full back laser hair removal given that those hairs can often be vellus hairs (peach fuzz). Be sure to book a free consultation before getting started on laser hair removal for your back to ensure you will see positive results.

Everywhere Else

From random hairs on your big toe to more widespread hairs on the gluteus maximus, if you want it gone, we can make it happen.


Hair Freedom FOREVER!

With the GoLaser Guarantee you get unlimited laser hair removal + a lifetime of touch ups. Our mission is to get you hair free and help you stay that way!

Learn more about our GoLaser Guarantee by booking your free, no obligation consultation today.