Underarm Laser
Hair Removal
Get effortlessly smooth underarms that will have you excited for tank top season all year round.
Get effortlessly smooth underarms that will have you excited for tank top season all year round.
So you want smooth armpits? Only have 10 minutes to spare? No problem! We can be your beautiful, clean, quick service laser clinic 🙂 Part of getting laser is to save you time in the long run so we’re always conscious of being efficient with your time when you come for your laser treatments – we know you have a life to get back to!
Let GoLaser save your underarms from ingrown hairs and save you from one more tedious task in your grooming routine.
Laser hair removal works by precisely targeting the root of each hair follicle to safely and effectively remove it without damaging the surrounding skin. With this removal, you eliminate the risk of ingrown hairs, bumpy rashes, and itchy stubble.
Each person is a little different as all of our bodies are different and going through different hormonal changes at any given point in time. Some clients will enjoy years without the need for a touch up while others may need 1-2 yearly touch ups to maintain their results. What’s great about our GoLaser Guarantee is even if you notice some hairs coming back the GoLaser Guarantee comes with a series of unlimited treatments + yearly touch ups following that.
Aside from not being long-lasting, waxing also requires you to let your hair grow out between treatments. While it might be fun to let your underarms hair flow through the cold months, it’s typically not something most people want to do on a regular basis because added hair often comes with added odours. With GoLaser underarm hair removal, you don’t have to grow your hair out EVER again. You can shave as much or as little as you’d like between treatments.
The hair under the arms tends to be quite coarse and some people falsely believe that it can not be treated with lasers. However, dark coarse hair is actually amazing for laser hair removal! With our advanced technology, we have you covered no matter your hair or skin type! (unless your hair there is blonde, white, grey or red – sorry!).
With the GoLaser Guarantee you get unlimited laser hair removal + a lifetime of touch ups. Our mission is to get you hair free and help you stay that way!
Learn more about our GoLaser Guarantee by booking your free, no obligation consultation today.